shouldnt have the inspiration those silly be acting. Creating a Discord bot (Part 10: Reactions)
hi there men welcome to part 10 of my. discord qi making a discord bot in. python educational in this video were. gonna move over reactions and how to type. of labor with not work with yet a way to. type of run commands or code run code. when a reaction is detected we are gonna. make use of events we are gonna. create the on response upload event in the. on response eliminate occasion there is a. third response event so far as Im. involved it is called on reaction clear. basically what that does is it is. known as each time a message has all of the. reactions removed from it and that i. personally do not use it plenty so im not. gonna create a operate for it a minimum of. in this video when youve got any questions. approximately it you could question me you can visit. the discord op py legitimate discord but. just keep in mind that if that is the. function or the development that youre.
trying to create we are unlikely to be. going over that during this video simply the. response advert and response get rid of so lets. pass into them or lets start programming. so the 1st one were gonna create is. the on response advert and essentially what. that function or what that occasion detects. is while a response is further so lets. create our occasion client that occasion async. def oops on movement and and this function. takes in parameters one the reaction. itself and to the user. so all Im gonna make these capabilities do. or those events do is really simply say. like when our reactions added the. reactions eliminated its simply gonna say I. do not know the person has further the this. reaction to this message or something. like that so how we might do that is. we are just gonna say channel is the same as. reaction dot message dot channel so we.
Can take the channel directly from the. response and then were simply gonna say. watch for purchaser send message pass within the . channel and i am simply going to claim. whatever like that could be the user has. further that response to the message and. then the message in there so Im gonna. format the string now and i am gonna say. username and that i can take person from this. parameter that become handed in here i am. gonna say response dot emoji for the. second aspect here. in actual fact what response dot emoji is. is it takes style of the string value of. the emoji like as an instance for exle you. put within the I dont know. hearth emoji youll put colon hearth colon. right assuming you didnt click on via. it in this quarter whatsoever in case you typed. it out it would be clone fire colon. it will provide you with that string and then I. can throw it right in there and have the.
Bot kind it out itself so reaction no longer. emoji and lastly reaction dot message. dot content material so we can actually access. the message that became despatched throughout the. reaction because the response changed into. attached to the message remember. this is not the message that or sorry. this isnt just any message like a. recent message or anything like that. thats specifically the message that is. at further to attached to the reaction. it isnt like the newest message or. whatever like that nothing puzzling. its specifically the only regarding the. reaction must be particularly. selfexplanatory yet sincerely I probably. harassed you even more. but yeah thats in actual fact it i am. correctly gonna make the second function. earlier than we pass into testing it simply. because this is so brief I can honestly. copy this and just paste it into the.
physique of the next operate a shopper dot. event async demise on response get rid of. reaction whoops. person and well simply paste this in and. says or and say removed so it will be a. consumer has removed that emoji from the. message blah blah blah blah blah so. lets run it with a bit of luck there are no. blunders looks good and so I dont know. as an instance a message experiment and if I add a. this factor Lukas has added hearth emoji. issue to the message experiment and just here. we can even change it up we will say. howdy international just so you know that this. is operating and Ill even try out anything. else. i am going to put this yeah so as you will see. it is sort of reiterated its own message. due to the fact ive further it to a message that. the bot had reported so it says Lukas has. further to the message Lukas has added. this to the message right so it is simply. variety of looping over itself that would.

Discord JS - Welcome Message Bot
alright hi there every person evan right here from. and iin this video we are. going to be masking how to create a. welcome message discord.js bot so. basically what this bot will do. is when a consumer joins your discord server. it is going to send a custom welcome message to. that user now before we start. theres going to be about a. conditions well have got to. hide if you havent visible my a way to. create a discord bot video i mean you. cross watch that first. in order that you have everything set up yet. if you have already got a discord.js bot. then just double investigate that your. presence purpose and server members. motive are both. toggled on on your discord developer. portal you may. see that under the bots section in case you. simply scroll down somewhat ensure. the two of those are checked simply so. your bot has the necessary privileges of.
Receiving that information o.k. so first. we will. open up vs code or whatever identification you are. utilizing and well investigate our. discord.js bot. task that we simply created in the last. video if you already have a discord bot. thats okay and we are gonna go ahead and. create a brand new dossier and were gonna call. this welcome.js. and correct below our config dossier right here. were simply gonna create a variable. called welcome and we are gonna set it. equivalent to require.welcome. all right now that we have that lets pass. ahead and truly utilize. that variable so well say. welcome after which right here well. move in our customers. now were going to pass in our client. right here because were going to actually. desire to use that. client inside of this separate js file. so were going to say. module dot equals purchaser. thats our purchaser that we are passing.
To this dossier curly braces now here we are. going to add an event listener so were. going to say purchaser.on. and well flow in the development of. guild. member ad then we will add a. callback function so were going to say. parentheses member. early braces like so and just to test. that this event is truly firing lets. go forward and console log this. so we will say console.log and. then we will log the member. that joined our discord server o.k.. so to actually test this ill. have to ask a dummy account that i. created to. the discord server lets go forward and. ensure our bot is truly walking so. well do node. index you will see our discord bot is. on line and if we head to our discord. server we can see that our bot is. on line currently so lets go forward and.
Send a invite to our testing account. here. say invites allow me move forward and copy. this hyperlink here and then i am just going. to affix it on. our testing account here now we will see. that a testing account bought added to. the discord server lets cross forward and. assess our console to determine if we have our. consumer and it looks like we do. lets take a look at what we came we have. their identity their username. whether their bot their number identity all. that great things so basically we will see. that this guild member advert. occasion is actually firing and has. correctly. logged our member to the console notwithstanding. lets have a. dedicated channel for welcome messages. so that manner our standard channel isnt. crammed up so lets move forward and create a. textual content channel here. we will call this welcome and. then lets go to our server settings. right here. and lets pass forward and uncheck send a.
Random welcome message when someone. joins a server. because we dont desire both discords. automatic message system. and our customized one to be sending. messages simultaneously lets move forward. and store that. and now we are correctly going to must. get the id of this channel. and how we can actually get that identity. is via going to the appearance tab. on your discord settings and youre. going to wish to enable developer mode. in this way we can actually correct click on. our channel. right here welcome and we can actually get a. reproduction identity. choice and with that copy id selection we. can actually shop that. here so lets go forward and store that during. a variable well say const. channel identity and well set it. equal to. our identification of our welcome channel like so. now that we have our channel identification lets pass. ahead and create our customized message so.
Were going to say const. message and we will set our const. message equivalent to backticks and then. well say. welcome and here is in which we will. desire to go into their custom username so. so as to get their username we are. going to apply some distinctive break out. characters here so we will do. a below sign and at signal and then. we will do a dollar sign. two curly braces well say. member dot identity. and then we are gonna do a more than. signal here to shut that off and we are going to. say welcome. username to our server and now that we. have that were gonna ought to get. our channel so we are gonna say const. channel and set it equal to. member dot guild were gonna get the. channels from our guild we are gonna get. the cache. and then here is in which lets do dot. get and enter our channel.
Identity which we created up right here thats the. identity of our welcome. channel and then were gonna say channel. dot ship. and our message right here so lets cross ahead. and try this out and see if it really works so. we will say node. index to begin our bot im going to. move ahead and kick. that trying out account and then were. going to reinvite that trying out account. and now that i rejoined our checking out. account. we will see in our welcome channel here. on our discord server. welcome da testing account to our server. and as you can find our click resources message become sent. by means of the bot that we created here and real. speedy earlier than we end this video i simply. desire to show you how. we will tag yet another channel so if wed like. to direct them to a guidelines channel we will. lets go forward and create that channel. genuine rapid so well say guidelines. and well need to get this identity.
Of this channel so returned. right click replica identification and we will. say const guidelines. channel and were going to set it equal. to the id that we simply grabbed after which. at the end of our message here were. going to say. be sure to check out our after which were. going to do dollar sign. curly braces member dot guild then we are. going to get our channels. our cache dot receives and were going to. get that rules. channel variable that we just created. then well say dot to. string with the intention to convert that to a. string so it looks pleasant in our message. and now lets move forward and really. restart our bot right here well say. node index. once more i will kick our checking out. account here and reinvite it and now. when we return to our welcome channel. we are able to see welcome da checking out account to. our server ensure to take a look at our.

Welcome females and gentlemen to discord. jeopardy three i am your host. soft willy im joined via chewie larry. croft and isaac why. chewie let us know just a little about. your self um uh my call is. chewie and i have almost uh 700 000. subscribers on youtube. that may be a blatant lie now not actual. larry let us know anything about your self. what did you are saying good day whats up. are you well i am joe biden uh isaac. would you uh like to tell us about. your self. okay alright with that being stated. were going to commence with. our subjects here wait huh i want to say. anything. you only said no you gotta treat me like. a white woman. isaac would you like to talk about. your self oh that is ok. ok are you certain yeah. okay anyway can i hello im isaac i am so. famous and hot. wait can i redo i by no means do mine yeah. certain pass forward im so sexy and hot pleasant.
No dude okay moving on were gonna go to. our subjects for today. shut the up we have youtube twitch. games acronyms between us and. memes acronyms acronyms o.k. so who. want to begin. leave me meet me without a doubt it is going. uh from left to correct hold up okay uh. isaac you want to start first. 800. ok in the last Year. in line with google tendencies. it is the foremost highly searched subject. dream speed runs that is wrong wait. what became the question. consistent with google developments it really is the. maximum totally searched subject. larry corps husband that is also. incorrect did you assert in line with. google translate. tendencies oh um ive been buzzed. cling on wait i dont have a solution. both. home puppy you ran out of time three times. in a row. am i able to answer anyways because i think i. understand certain is it minecraft that is.
Wrong. oh okay what is it it is uh between us oh. yeah. it is right there in front of our faces. no. okay so no person obtained that one correct. that turned into among us i assumed you guys. have been smarter. you need to knock out youtube men. Three hundred what 3 no larry. this is the 0.33 one in a row larry do. you see Three hundred on that list oh. i did not are aware of it goes ok youtube 400.. after no longer posting for a complete 12 months. this large gaming youtuber made a made a. go back before the top of 2020.. thank you but no isaac whos corpse. husband that is also incorrect. the answer is fits who cares. carson who is carson. memes for four hundred. memes for 400. this massive. twitch streamers video blew up on. twitter dancing in a bernie sanders. shirt . isaac whos nicole that is correct ah. rattling it permit me guess between us 1000. in the map scaled thiis specific spot on.
The map will tell you to. take a ruin larry oh i didnt even. press that. ok lower back to larry very well among us. one thousand. that wasnt. are you serious are you serious. are you severe this sucks i believe like. an fool among us 800.. there are this amount of colors you may. make a choice from when customizing your. crewmate. isaac how many 13. that is incorrect. chewy 18.. what number like 15. that is also wrong. the right answer is 12.. i get like pity elements for being near. certain 20.. o.k. let me get um acronyms 400.. lgbtq oh. isaac lesbian homosexual bisexual. isaac pills are. rad everyone oh. i do not really recognize both yet i will. wager drug. area cut down. erection. you have been close you had one notice correct. yeah really. not erection take it away larry um. drug abuse resilience yes . edward. i cant reflect on the last one i do not.
be aware of what the you can stand for drug abuse resistance education i reported resilience oh okay you mentioned edward you will are becoming there all right allow me get memes 600. this meme is just the chunky version of a caricature bunny that changed into larry um oh my god i forgot his name oh my god oh my god uh um lower back to larry pass ahead memes a thousand wow conclude the quote you scent such as you farted larry those 3 harmless phrases have been lately banned from being suggested in the course of live streams uh isaac what are synth virgin and pogch yeah that is incorrect i dont have a solution your honor in mobile virgin and simp oh information yep uh again to chewie um i need to provide my flip to larry yeah certain okay we are gonna do games 1000.
In minecraft what real existence animal. produced the sound effects of a ghast. larry what is cat that is genuine thats. right lower back to you larry oh. do we have twitch 1000 uh we do all. correct twitch Two hundred.. okay thiis famous emote became eliminated in. early 2021. after presidential election controversy. isaac. isaac what is pogch which a thousand. thiis user peaked 2.4 million concurrent. visitors when streaming fortnite. larry drake oh who is drake. isaac whos ninja its not ninja i dont. suppose. hes i am stuck between the graph g. twitch for 600. thiis company bought. twitch for 970 million cash in 2014.. larry whats amazon that is true. between us 400. this baby-kisser is legendary. for enjoying among us live to tell the tale twitch. that is correct whos aoc ioc i believe is. the governor of long island shes a. consultant. whatsoever all right we know that corpse.
Husband flirted together with her. ok you men have games left uh. games 800.. in minecraft a set of endermen is. called this. larry the lakers. no that is wrong it is a heed. it begins with an h it dont certain it do i. do not believe it do. it does i simply reported it i definitely do. uh i am going to simply tell you its referred to as a. haunting of enderman. oh yeah of course i would have gotten. it truly is that coded in the game or. whatever someone had requested one of the. builders on twitter he mentioned lets just. name it a haunting. all right uh last question we are gonna. finish off all of video games. this online game franchise is utilized in . poultry the teeth pink vs blue sequence. uh larry what is halo that is true. i could not discuss the question due to the fact. he sent the cheese. ok so were gonna visit our final. query here for 30 seconds at the.
on the clock the question is in 2012 psy. obtained the record for the most youtube. views ever. passing this former record holder timer. begins now you may begin. keep in mind i want to know the artist and. the name of the song. oh its a song oh. all right i want so that you can please. send me your submissions we are going to begin. with chewie. damn it hang on what do you suggest cling on. what i have to pass first i always move last. oh my god nice move. first chewie oh my god i go last. larry move ahead. am i the sole one thats done okay well. begin with isaac. isaac will visit you first where is. justin bieber infant oh i didnt even. consider that. that is correct o.k. larry ok allow. me explain. whats occurring right here. bro its red is that s. yeah it really is yeah ok well. lets now not overlook. it is not fred no longer his crimson rocket. butthole.
o.k. uh chewie um i presumed it turned into. kfi the fireworks tune through katy perry. why is my face. good with that being mentioned that is concerned about. today how do you guys think you guys think. clever. you know what i feel ill just give you. guys a flat unfavourable 1 000 every. because youre all at the unfavourable no. topic what how i just won the ultimate. challenge. finally round in genuine jeopardy what. actually happens is youre not even. allowed to parttake in the final. one so uh with that being pronounced alex. trebek had kicked the bucket earlier in 2020.. you recognize definitely. oh my god at the host the host. yeah he had passed away yeah back you. know its it is cool that we can do this. kind of element. its unhappy to determine that you be aware of what i. imply with out him i would not be ha i. should not have the foundation to do it. so. wait who died. vegeta those be silly be performing.

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